Alaska Arrest Records and Warrant Search

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Alaska Arrest Records & Warrant Search

What is an arrest record in Alaska?

In a move promoting transparency, Alaska law now allows anyone to access criminal history information, including arrest records, under section 12.62.160 of the state statute. This legislation empowers individuals to approach state agencies directly to procure detailed criminal data, ensuring that vital information is readily available to the public.

The state’s administrative code meticulously outlines the procedures for disseminating arrest warrants and related criminal information.

So, if you’re a concerned citizen, employer, or researcher, the streamlined process makes obtaining these records straightforward and accessible.

By making criminal history openly available, Alaska reinforces its commitment to accountability and openness within the criminal justice system. Residents and interested parties can confidently request and receive the necessary information, fostering a well-informed community.

For more details on how to access these records, individuals can refer to the administrative code or contact relevant state agencies. This guarantees that the process remains clear and efficient for all who seek this important information.

The Criminal Records and Identification Bureau of Alaska maintains crime history data centrally. It is in charge of offering technical support to the various chapters of the state’s justice network across the state and handling the main repository of criminal history for Alaska. All crime justice agencies are bound by state and federal laws to send information on criminal events to the agency for inclusion in the repository.

This includes details on arrests that are received from local police departments, information on charges filed which comes from the prosecution office, and the court disposition report, which is sent in by the tribunal or the office of the county clerk. The ASPIN or Alaska Public Safety Information Network is the database used for the storage and dissemination of criminal history information.

Criminal data repositories are also maintained by other justice agencies that work at the borough level, such as the offices of the clerks of court, sheriff’s departments, and those working at the state level such as the Alaska Court System. However, none of them will have the summary information on criminal matters kept in the ASPIN. The information held by the Crime Records and Identification Bureau is strictly offered in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and privacy laws of Alaska.

At this time, the agency offers name based inquiries along with fingerprint warrant searches. Background reports offered in response to the latter are considered to be positive matches while investigations launched on the basis of personal identifiers can only return possible matches. The data held by the Bureau only pertains to criminal incidents that occurred within the geographical boundaries of the state.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the only agency that works nationally towards the assimilation and dissemination of crime history data from all 50 states. This information is frequently released to state justice agencies but as far as civilian and corporate applicants are concerned, the details are strictly handed over in keeping with federal and local statutes. Pursuant to AS 12.62.900, criminal history data refers to a collection of information that can be divided into 4 sub categories; these are:

  • Past conviction data: This includes details on all criminal dispositions, arrest records and details on incarceration on a person. Not only cases that resulted in conviction but also those that ended in dismissal and acquittal could be included in this category, depending on the class of the applicant.
  • Current offender details: This dataset includes information on recent arrests, the issue of active warrants and the existence of outstanding warrants from AK in the name of the subject. It is also possible to find the current status of a criminal case and trial details in this category.
  • Criminal identification data: As the name suggests, this is information that can help in positively identifying the perpetrator of a criminal act. So, you could find photographs, fingerprints, physical description, contact details and other identifying information in this sub category.
  • Non conviction and sealed information: This specifically includes details on cases in which the defendant was acquitted and juvenile crime reports which are generally kept away from regular applicants. It is also possible to find mental health records in this crime category.

What is an arrest warrant?

Active warrants, as they are legally termed, are orders from the tribunal that call for the custodial detention of a person accused in a criminal matter. These directives can be issued by courts at all levels of the judicial hierarchy. The magistrate is usually the signatory authority for the release of arrest warrants from AK and as such the eventual arraignment and bail hearings are also held in the court of the magistrate before the case is bound over to a district tribunal.

Rule 3 of the Alaska Court Procedures lays down the process for filing the complaint for the issue of an arrest warrant. The law enforcement agency which has investigated a criminal occurrence can approach a tribunal by filing an affidavit or the citation issued to the offender, as long as the latter meets all legal requirements of a complaint.

This document should detail all relevant case facts including the evidence, hearsay and otherwise that shows reasonable cause for holding the individual in question in the circle of suspicion. The complaint will be filed before any person, usually the county clerk or the magistrate, who is authorized by law to administer affirmation or oath. For the issue of Alaska arrest warrants, this complaint will be studied carefully to ensure that the requirement of proving probable cause is met.

Outstanding warrants from AK are those detention orders that remain in effect but have not been served for some reason. Although the police are legally bound to execute these directives on a priority basis, another important case or an offender who has skipped town can delay the serving of the order. Information on such directives is sent to all factions of the justice community, within the state and throughout the country.

Multiple arrest warrants and summons can be issued on the basis of a single complaint. A detention order will be issued in lieu of an appearance order when it is reasonably established that the accused will not respond to a summons. Also, arrest warrants will be issued if the prosecution has to expressly request the court for them. Finally, these decrees are also commonly brought to use in cases where a summons has been disobeyed and the offender now has to be detained.

While summons can be served by any officer of a justice agency (cops seldom handle these orders) the execution of all AK outstanding warrants is left to the police. A reasonable degree of force can be used to capture an accused who is resisting arrest. Upon the execution of an arrest warrant, the complaint (or a copy of it), based on which the decree was issued, will be handed over to the arrestee or his council.

How to search for an inmate in the Alaska Prison System?

Prison records are held by the Department of Corrections in Alaska. Of course, when you launch an arrest warrant search, you will find out about sentencing and incarceration in the criminal history report of the subject. However, if you are only looking for past arrest records or are a victim who is keen on learning about the movement of a certain offender through the correctional system, it is always possible to get in touch with the DOC.

You can find parole and release dates through the department. The agency will notify victims a month prior to the actual release date of the offender, when he is being considered for parole or pre-release furlough or he has applied for clemency or any reduction in his sentence and immediately if he escapes from custody. To avail, this information through the Department of Corrections, you will have to write to them or visit them at:

  • Victim Service Unit
  • 550 W. 7th Ave., Suite 601
  • Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3558

It is also possible to access this information online by using the services offered on ‎

Who can search for arrest records and warrants in AK?

The criminal history data maintained by the Criminal Records and Identification Bureau is confidential and this data is disseminated in strict compliance with the guidelines provided in Alaska Statutes 12.62.160 and 13 AAC 68. The Alaska State Police offers the facility to look for details on outstanding warrants through their website. This is a name based inquiry that is open to all and you will not need the written consent of the subject to access this data.

However, if you need a complete crime background report, for this, you will need the fingerprints of the subject or even when conducting a name based investigation, a signed release form will have to be submitted with the warrant search request. At the moment, fingerprint investigations are open only to “interested parties”. This applicant category includes government licensing agencies and commercial establishments that administer medical and health care facilities to children, seniors and disabled people.

How to Request Records under the Alaska Public Records Act?

Applicants are given several options to procure arrest records and information on AK active warrants. It is possible to access personal crime history information as well as third party criminal involvement details.

For a non-fingerprint inquiry, you can connect with Alaska State Trooper unit, the local police, the Department of Public Safety or the Bureau of Criminal Records and Identification which works out of 5700 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507.You will be charged $20 for all inquiries which are name based, whether the information being sought is in the name of the applicant or the subject.

Additional copies of the results will be charged at $5 each and you can request the results to be mailed or faxed to you. The fees for the investigation will have to be paid by money order or check. When looking for third party crime history information, you will have to submit a release certificate signed by the subject along with the request form.

Fingerprint inquiries initiated to find arrest records and active warrants from Alaska will have to be conducted personally by the subject. On the other hand, state and national crime records in response to a fingerprint investigation will only be offered to legislatively authorized employers and justice agencies. To get the search underway, the applicant will have to submit a full set of ten fingerprints taken on FD-258, which is a standard FBI application card. Furthermore, a letter of explanation will also have to be furnished stating why the inquiry is required, along with the current mailing address of the applicant and a fee of $35 issued by check or money order payable to the state of Alaska. It will generally take 2-3 weeks to receive the response to such an inquiry.

How Long Does An Arrest Record or Warrant Stay On File In Alaska?

Arrest warrants from Alaska are kept on file until the offender in question is taken into custody. Hence, information on these directives and crime history in general, including arrest records, is held till the death of the offender. These records are only sealed when a court grants the subject’s request for record expungement.

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